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Job Portal's Basic Functionalities.

What should be consider during a job portal development?

As a job portal provides job to a job seeker. So a basic job board should have at least following features.
Here we will talk about job portal websites features behalf of three users of this portal.

First is job seeker or say a fresher student.
Second is Company who provide a job.
And third one is Admin or owner of this job website.

Features related to job seeker

  • There should be login and registration of job seeker.
  • Registration of a seeker is main feature in which a lot of personal and work detail of a seeker will be taken.
  • In registration process at least there should be option for seeker photo , resume uploads.
  • A dashboard panel for job seeker.
  • A dashboard of job seeker should have following features.
  1. Searching a job.
  2. Apply a job.
  3. Notifications from company in which applied.
  4. Setting job alert behalf of experience and skills.  

Features related to Company

  • A company can register itself.
  • Login feature.
  • A Panel or dashboard for company which contains at least following features.

  1. Posting a new job.
  2. Searching for job seekers.
  3. Accessing relevant candidates based on skills set.
  4. Sending notification to short listed candidates.
  5. Getting back notifications from job seekers.

Features related to job portal admin section

As company and job-seeker admin has login and it's dashboard.
Admin dashboard features.

  1. Should able to see all registered companies and job seeker.
  2. All posted jobs.
  3. Conversation between company and seeker.
  4. Today Posted jobs.
  5. Today registered users.
  6. Week and Month Wise the same statistics.  
