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Showing posts from February, 2016

Database Table For Online Shopping

Online Shopping System is more popular in these days.Each and every site is trying to earn more money by selling online products.Online shopping may be a small portion of your website in which you are trying to sell specific items or products.Here we are thinking about database tables for shopping system. First think from daily life example. We go to shop and choose some products . We may provide our information.Shopkeeper tell us the cost of that product. We pay money and purchase that stuff or product. So here are following different activity and entity may considered. Buyer Information. Product Information. Selling Detail.   Invoice table.   These are Very basic tables for Online Shopping system. Additionally you can use a lot of tables like product category , sub-category of product etc. Buyer table has buyer registration detail. Product table contains product cost and many more fields related to product. Selling detail table contain payment transaction-...

Database Table For Hotel Management System

Hotel Management System is Evergreen Project for real life as well for engineering students.Visitor or Client comes in hotel and book his/her room for some duration. Visitor will provide his own personal detail and will get room number according to availability. Yeah there will be charge for every room according to facility. After payment visitor will checkout from the hotel.Many more things may consider but a core hotel management will structured in following database tables. 1. Guest Info. 2. Room availability 3. Room Category 4. Room Fare 5. Booking Info. 6. Cash Register There may be another table for Room sub category in case , there are varieties of rooms available. Many More tables may be consider but these above tables are core part of Hotel Management Project.


Examination! Online exam has certain process to implement. A Candidate gives exam after his/her identification. Same thing will happen here in this project. Ok , here two different approach can be use for providing username and password as credential for student. First one is -  Admin will provide username and password for candidate so that they can login and start exam. Here "username and password" will work as admit card before examination. In second approach -  User itself will register and will get password.In this approach candidate or student has to register before appearing in the online exam web portal. If we think exam as an event then there are five major things will come on the way . So there are following points to be consider . 1. Candidate(A candidate is a student in exam.) 2. Exam Paper(Exam paper means questions for s...