Online Shopping System is more popular in these days.Each and every site is trying to earn more money by selling online products.Online shopping may be a small portion of your website in which you are trying to sell specific items or products.Here we are thinking about database tables for shopping system. First think from daily life example. We go to shop and choose some products . We may provide our information.Shopkeeper tell us the cost of that product. We pay money and purchase that stuff or product. So here are following different activity and entity may considered. Buyer Information. Product Information. Selling Detail. Invoice table. These are Very basic tables for Online Shopping system. Additionally you can use a lot of tables like product category , sub-category of product etc. Buyer table has buyer registration detail. Product table contains product cost and many more fields related to product. Selling detail table contain payment transaction-...
The DATABASE or say backend is backbone of any kind of web application. Even a static website consists at lest contact us table to store enquiry information of a website visitor. It's very hard to imagine a web project without a database. So here on this blog we are focusing on project related database tables. Here in this blog we are considering real life web projects. If you have created a good database design , means your half of project is ready .