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Drawbacks of Online examinations processes

 Online examination is not an exception.
It also has some drawbacks.

In this world everything has its back sides. If you understand what does it mean. Every positive invention has its negative side also.

There are various ways where online examination fails. Consider a situation , a student is getting some problem during the exam. His pc may hang , server may be down at once . At this situation how to judge that student after time will go away. 

Other side if this was an offline exam process no such issues like sudden hang of laptop , power related , internet disrupt  etc. 

It's very hard to catch cheat in case of online exam. 

 In offline examination process there are a lot of things which shows that you answered questions. Student handwriting is unique for every student. Writing can not be match with other. This is like our face. If someone say that we will use all technologies to implement a online exam then yes , but it will be very costly to conduct such a exam.

 I am an indian author so i know that developed country also facing some issues in online exams. These issues never comes in case of  offline exam. If something is written on a paper , means it has various unique things.

It's very easy to cheat in case of online exam. This is due to less resources to monitor on online exam. 

A lot of money investment is required to conduct an online exam .

Although online exam is a new approach . As time will pass it's drawback will go away or become less. As it's hard to adopt new technology by most of people. If a student is really very intelligent and can answer each questions but due to lack of technology knowledge he/she not able to get the marks as compared in offline exam . 

In online exam system it's not practical to check a description answer and marking . Because a four option type mcq question has fix answer that can be check by online servers. But in case of long descriptive answers it is not possible till now . But in future technology will overcome this issue.
